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I have almost 30 Current Cost Individual Appliance Monitors (I need tomonitor the power consumption of every appliance in my home for my PhDproject). Unfortunately, I sometimes see drop-outs on a single channellasting thousands of seconds, which is simply unacceptable. I see theseepic drop-outs even if the IAM is within a meter of its EnviR. So datais being lost somewhere between the IAM transmitting its packet and itbeing sent via XML from the EnviR. I think the IAMs simply squirt areading onto the RF carrier every 6 seconds without waiting for a “ping”from the EnviR. There are two possible places where the packets arebeing lost: 1) the EnviR drops packets or 2) RF collisions
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First I’m going to assume that the main problem is that the EnviR dropspackets because it’s too busy. Hence I want to connect anRF receiver directly to my laptop in order to sniff IAM data directlyfrom the air without having to use an EnviR. I’m somewhat out of mydepth here! After a bit of googling, I came across this Nanode IRCconversation aboutsniffing the SPI bus of a Current Cost to reverse engineer theirprotocol. I assume I just need a BusPirate to sniff the SPI bus of theEnviR to get the initialisation commands the EnviR sends to its on-boardRFM01 RF module; and then I can buy an RFM01 module and connect this tothe bus pirate’s SPI bus to communicate directly with the RFM01 from mylaptop.
If I find that RF collisions are a major problem then I may investigatethe EDF wireless transmitterplugs. These are similar to the Current Cost IAMs except, crucially, the EDFmodels use transceivers and not just transmitters. The EDF EcoManager base station “pings” each transmitter plug in sequence and thetransmitter plug responds within about20ms. This shouldtotally avoid RF collisions. The problem is that I already have 30Current Cost IAMs! I’m planning to take one apart to see if there’s anypossibility of converting it to a trasceiver type (the IAMs say“transmitter only” on the back). If not then I guess I’ll have to tryto return or eBay my IAMs and buy EDF transmitter plugs. I’ll stillhave to build my own transciever because each Eco Manager can onlyhandle 14 transmitter plugs. If I use multiple Eco Managers then RFcollisions will become possible again.
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SPI to USB converters
- USB to I2C & SPI converter andanalyser-£24.90 - eBay - UK seller
- Devantec USB to I2C, SPI andSerial- €24.59 -
- Microchip ADM00419 Break Board MCP2210 miniUSB-SPI-£9.79 - Farnell
- RFM12B USB lightStick (using anATmega32u4) - €39 -
- JeeNode (RFM12bwith ATmega328p) - €18.50 -
- Bus Pirate - £20 -ProtoPic (purchased)
Logic Analysers
- Saleae 8 Channel 24 MHz - £132 fromProto-Pic
- “Saleae Logic Compatible” clone for£30 -blog post about Saleaekockoffs
RF modules
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- Beeny foundthat theCurrent Cost EnviR uses an RFM01 receiver and Current Costtransmitters use RFM02 transmitters operating at 433MHz. The EDFEcoManager and EDF IAMs (both of which appear to be made byCurrent Cost) probably use RFM12b transceivers.
Forum threads and blog posts
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- Eco Manager Teardown and help identifyRF - Jan 2012
- Some results from sniffing the SPI bus(here andhere)
- KenB talking briefly about sniffing the Current Cost’s SPI bususing a BusPirate - July 2011
- DIY radio receiver for CurrentCost sensors onGanglionTwitch.
Current Cost specs
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- RF buad rate = 3.918 Kbps(found by Beeny)
- Transmitter “sends 16 bytes of manchersterized data over the air,which results in eight bytes ofdata”